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[You]th Snap4Change


CCS is pleased to introduce [You]th Snap4Change, a photography competition for middle and high school students. The competition hopes to give youth a chance to think about peace and conflict in their daily lives, share their thoughts and beliefs while learning to be open to the views of others, and explore creative ways of communicating. Students are encouraged to submit their creative audio-visual projects that reflect on the themes of conflict and peace in their communities and everyday lives. In crafting their submissions, students should consider questions such as: what is conflict? What is peace? How do you build peace in your community and everyday life?


Submissions will be accepted from August 15 to October 15. Students can convey their messages and thoughts on the themes in any artistic medium – there is no limit to creativity! Three winners will be sponsored to travel to Monterey to receive their awards in November. You can find more details about the competition here.