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CCS invites you to submit articles for the annual Reflections magazine.

The theme of this year’s magazine is race and conflict. CCS seeks to discuss race as more than color, but rather as the power, privilege, identities, and discrimination tied to shades of color and the role that this plays in conflicts around the world. In recognizing that the resolution of race-based conflicts requires a long-term strategic approach, we seek to understand the potential that we have in transforming race conflicts to better relationships and communications between human beings, improve equality and provide for social justice in every society.

Under this broader theme, the magazine will include the following sections:

Art (poems and other artwork also welcome)
Field Musings (Stories from the field)
Film and Book Reviews

If you are interested in writing, please consult CCS Director Pushpa Iyer with your proposed topic prior to submitting an article.

Essays must be based on empirical research. Submissions should be between 1000 – 1500 words, and include at least two pictures. The Center for Conflict Studies reserves the right to edit all submissions.

Please direct questions to Dr. Pushpa Iyer at Submissions are due by Feb. 15, 2016