Who’s On First?


After yesterday’s evening English class, we strategized as to how we were going to manage teaching today. Despite the fact that we thought the class was rather large to begin with, we came to a consensus that we would begin as one class, get the learners oriented, assess the numbers, and then split up into two groups and have two of us teach as the third one helped coordinate. Earlier today, we were told that, compared to yesterday, because of word-of-mouth, there could be more people in attendance today. With this in mind, we prepared two classrooms. The people arrived. The people kept coming. More people came. Word-of-mouth had done the trick. Pere Noe decided that we have the attendees from yesterday stay in one room while the rest were to be split up into two other groups. This meant the three of us would end up teaching separate classes. More people came. They kept coming. We continued individually with the lesson plan we had agreed upon. The number of students who ended up in my classroom was 54. This particular class ranged from those where adults, youth and even three children under the age of five; one of whom took it upon herself to proudly participate.

I had assumed the both Haley and Marie had the same number of students. I later found out that they both had only twenty-seven students. Needless to say, there is a lot of work to be done.