Egypt’s Education System

Egypt’s education system is structurally complicated. While the Ministry of Education (MOE) controls all levels of education and oversees program development, other ministries run various vocational centers. Below is my chart on the structure of the system. 

Screen Shot 2013-12-11 at 9.10.45 PM
(Anderson, 2013).

Quality assurance in Egypt’s education system is managed by private entities, but they still report directly to the MOE. 

Primary education in mandatory until age 15, but the reality is that these enrollment numbers are dependent upon a variety of factors (UNESCO, 2000). 

A few facts to help contextualize Egypt’s education system:
Structure: Overly-centralized system
Youth: 31% of population between ages 0-14 (mandatory school age)
Number of schools: 46,000 schools
Number of teachers: 1.3 million teachers
Number of enrolled students: 18 million

The following chart displays Egypt’s ISCED ( International Standard Classification of Education Data). 

ISCED Egypt Edited
ISCED Egypt, created and designed by G. Anderson (2013).

 Please click on “ISCED Education structure in Egypt” to view this image larger.

Click on Information on Egypt’s ISCED for more detailed information about the issues with this education structure. There is much data out detailing the inequity of this system.  

Bryant, et al., 2013.
UNESCO, a., 2013.
UNESCO, c., 2000.
(For complete details, please visit my references page).

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