Monthly Archives: March 2011

How Conservatives can be Synonymous with Economics and Environmentalism

The Monterey Institute Instructor Jason Scorse offers an interesting perspective on true conservatism and how the changes needed in environmental policy can be supported by the far right. In a brief historical re-cap, Scorse demonstrates how known Republicans such as former President Bush (Sr.) and McCain supported cap-and-trade programs and legislations as a revenue generator and environment saver for our country. Scorse elaborates further by critiquing how quickly McCain changed his tune in order to please his party colleagues and the manner in which they have vilified the creation of more rigid environmental policies. Scorse offers a strong argument for conservatives to return to their roots.

This blog post offers a new view of true conservatism and it is short enough to read quickly and digest slowly. Click here to read the piece.

Besides teaching and publishing, Scorse also teaches a 2-day environmental segment during the Global Trade & Development Certificate Program at the Monterey Institute.