Wednesday, October 31st, 2012...11:47 am

IPSS to Celebrate its 10 Year Anniversary

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On November 29th, 2012 the Graduate School of International Policy and Management will celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the International Professional Service Semester. While the specifics of the event have not yet been released, it is rumored that there will be a slide show, guest speakers, a profile of outgoing 2013 participants, and other mentionable highlights from what many consider to be a very successful program that enriches the unique learning environment of MIIS.

Additionally, we want to congratulate the outgoing IPSS participants that have received their postings for 2013! Not only do we have an exceptional group heading out to a variety of exciting placements, their departure marks the tenth year of the program. We are proud to note that IPSS continues to grow in strength and popularity both within the MIIS community and circles of employers from around the world who are recognizing the exceptional talents and abilities of MIIS students.

Finally, applications for IPSS 2014 have opened, and although it seems like a ways out, the deadline to apply is March 31, 2013. The sooner you get started with the process and targeting possible internship opportunities, the better your chances are of landing the posting of your choice and getting the most out of the IPSS experience.

For more information go to or email

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