Middlebury Global Rescue Registration Form

Emergency Evacuation Coverage for Students on School-managed Programs

Given events around the world over the last year, the Monterey Institute, in collaboration with Middlebury College has reevaluated the ways in which we support Institute students during the periods of time they are abroad. Because our students engage the world in a wide variety of ways, it is important that we manage the risks that students take when going abroad. To this end, in those instances when students are participating in an activity that is sponsored or supported by the Institute in any way, we are introducing new protocols designed to better manage the inherent risks of traveling abroad.

We have adopted a new Institute policy requiring all students traveling abroad on any Institute-sponsored activity to register their plans and all contact information with the Institute prior to departure. We need this information in the event of any natural or man-made emergencies.

Participants in International Professional Service Semester (IPSS), Development Project Management Institute Practicum (DPMI Plus), Frontier Market Scouts (FMS), or any other professor-led international trip or program (like J-Term or Spring Break trips) will need to register in this system. Emergency evacuation coverage will be provided. Please see Middlebury College Letter of Coverage.

Travel Registration for Students on Service Projects, Volunteer Programs, etc.

Those planning to go abroad on any other Institute-sponsored program (internship, volunteer activity, service project, research project, etc.) will be required to register with the Institute’s risk management system. They will also be required to demonstrate that they are covered with the appropriate insurance.  Any Institute office that sponsors such activities will work with them to ensure that they have the necessary insurance.

Why complete it

Travel abroad should be a safe, enjoyable experience. However, as the recent events in Egypt and Japan show, there are times when the College has to quickly account for the whereabouts of every student, staff member, and faculty member in those countries to communicate with them and provide assistance. For this reason we ask you to complete this quick, simple form each time you travel. Whether a long-planned trip or a side-trip while already abroad, this form helps the College know where students, faculty, and staff are, and to take appropriate measures when responding to emergencies.

When to complete it

Student research abroad, faculty research abroad, business travel, faculty sabbatical, community service/volunteer work abroad, internships abroad, or any Institute or College-sponsored activity abroad.  Leisure travel while on a Middlebury or MIIS sponsored program abroad should also be registered, where appropriate.

Who submits it

All students, faculty, and staff traveling abroad from both Middlebury College and MIIS.

What is included

Your contact information abroad, where and when you are traveling, with whom, and why.  After you register your first trip, you will not be asked for general information (i.e. passport number, emergency contact) when registering future trips.

How to Complete Travel Registration

1.) Visit travel registration page.

2.) Login with your Banner ID

Note:  Form does not work on the Chrome browser. This form normally takes less than 5-minutes to complete. All students traveling abroad need to fill out the global rescue form prior to their departure.