Study Abroad Peer Mentors: Needs Assessment Results

12 of 16 Peer Mentors completed the following questionnaire:

Peer Mentor Questionnaire


Name (optional):_________________________________________________________

Major:_________________________ Current Class Standing:_____________________

1)  Are you interested in developing any of the following professional skills? (Choose all that apply):

Planning events

Public speaking and presenting



Customer service

Event promotion

Designing promotional materials

Managing and editing web content

Web design

Leading and supervising

Project management

Preparing budgets and budget proposals

Student recruitment

Marketing data management

Database management

Social media



2)  Are you interested in exploring any of the following academic areas? (Choose all that apply):

Intercultural communication

Language and culture

Area or regional studies

Comparative International Education

English as a second language (ESL)

College student development

Identity and ethnicity

Higher education administration

International program development



3)  On average, how many hours per week can you commit to peer mentor activities (this can include meetings, events, and other activities)?

4)  Do you want to do an internship during college?

5)  If you were to do an internship for credit, what would be the best time of year to do it?

  • Summer
  • Fall semester
  • Spring semester
  • Jan term


6)  If you were to do an internship not for credit, what would be the best time of year to do it?

  • Summer
  • Fall semester
  • Spring semester
  • Jan term


7)  Is there anything else that you would like to do, complete, or achieve as a Peer Mentor?