Nukhet Kardam on MIIS Radio!


Welcome back Pro Bytes on MIIS Radio, and welcome to the program Nukhet Kardam, one of my favorite professors on campus! She’s fun, dynamic, interesting, friendly, inviting, and brilliantly insightful. All of these awesome qualities made for a very free-flowing interview, wherein we were able to talk about the fluidity of identity, gender mainstreaming, and conveying messages via varying mediums.

Nukhet and I first met last term when I dropped into her office to ask about contacts in my field of interest, but that was just the tip our iceberg together. I had the pleasure of taking the Communicating Social Change workshop this spring with Nukhet and two of her colleagues from Middlebury – John Elder and Andrea Olsen. By the time we had finished the two-weekend workshop I had confidently found my radio voice and had had plenty of practice with both public and recorded conversations. I could even go so far as to say that the course helped to give me a fresh start here at MIIS Radio. The interview was long and beautiful, making it difficult to cut, so enjoy the extended version.