SAND’s activities at MIIS include:

A Master of Public Administration concentration in Security and Development.

Monthly “War & Peace” Night’s
Once a month development and security communities from NPS, DLI, MIIS and others come together to bridge the civilian military communication gap and increase understanding of each others work.  Blurred boundaries between civilian and military organizations prompt conflicts over what researchers call domain conflicts. Traditionally, development addresses civilians and security deals with combatants. In fragile states, the line between civilians and combatants is often blurred. This “domain conflict” is a critical problem in coordinating inter-organizational operations in these settings. With the goal of building “Domain Consensus” between these two fields, SAND-MIIS  host monthly War & Peace bar nights in order to build informal understanding and connections between these two spheres.

Ongoing research. MIIS students and faculty are conducting a wide range of research in areas such as:

  • Small Arms Light Weapons
  • Operation Ceasefire Programs
  • Weed and Seed Programs
  • Others