
Wendy Qiu (AG) (2)Weijia Qiu (Wendy) 裘潍嘉

831-601-9835      wendyqiuwj@gmail.com


Hi ladies & gentlemen! I’m Wendy, Xiao Qiu laoshi. I got my BA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language from Sun Yat-sen University and I just graduated in Translation from MIIS in May, 2013.

I came from Guangdong Province (Canton). Our typical local cuisine is nothing hot or spicy, but you can enjoy a lot of seafood like I did! I’m sort of good at doing Cantonese-style stir-fry and Hakka-style stew, and I sometimes make desserts too.

I play pingpong & badminton, but no basketball, volleyball & soccer though I love to watch these matches. I also play the piano and zheng (Chinese zither), but I can’t play guitar or erhu (a Chinese two-string violin). If you have any talent, come on! Show it! Impress us!

This summer, Xiao He laoshi and I will assist you in making progress in learning Chinese in addition professors’ in-class teaching. It’s my sincere wish that you can enjoy your spare time after you intensive study.


Shan He (AG).JPG_meitu_1Shan He 何杉



大家好,我是小何老师!我本科就读于北京语言大学,主修英语语言文学,辅修对外汉语。大三一年到美国密西西比大学交换,选修过基础教育学课程。毕业以后来蒙特雷攻读翻译与口译硕士。我是土生土长的四川“辣妹子”,尤喜麻辣重口味食物,越辣越爽,无辣不欢。平时有钱就拿去旅游,没钱就在家钻研菜谱。如有志同道合者,欢迎相互切磋!运动从来都不是我的强项,目前个人最好记录是勉强跑完了专为老弱病残设计的Big Sur五公里马拉松。除了跑步以外,只有羽毛球能让我真正动起来。我自以为是一个狂热的羽毛球粉丝,倒不是因为球打得多好。虽然也曾代表密西西比大学羽毛球俱乐部去孟菲斯打过女双比赛,但也只是图个热闹,成绩平平。羽毛球是一项力量与技巧相结合的运动(这不是废话嘛,哪项运动不是力量与技巧结合?),就跟学习语言一样,勤奋和方法缺一不可,当然,你还得有点儿天赋。作为一个多年的外语学习者,我真诚地希望能与你们互相学习,彼此分享学习外语的经验,在学期结束时,我们都能坦诚地对自己说一句,“不虚此行”!

Hi y’all! I’m Xiao He laoshi. I graduated from Beijing Language and Culture University, majoring in English Linguistics and Literature, minoring in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. I was exchanged to the University of Mississippi in my junior year. I’m currently working on my Master Degree at Monterey Institute of International Studies.

I was born and raised in Sichuan Province, the hometown of giant pandas, although I don’t really care for my fat and touchy town fellows.  Somehow girls from this region are called ‘spicy girl’ because of our life-long commitment to spicy food. Yes, I love spicy food, but I DON’T eat peppers and I hate the Kongpao chicken in the US. Sports are never in my genes. I’m a huge fan of badminton, but never made it to semi-finals.

I’ve learnt English for an excruciating period of 7 years. I took French for a year in Ole Miss, only to realize that ‘crepe’ is not pronounced as ‘crap’. I suppose my love and hate relationship with language learning can be understood by y’all. As your tutor and activity guide, and more importantly, as someone who once experienced the same language barriers as you do and is still facing new challenges every day, I would be more than happy to work with you and help you make lots lots lots of progress!

The end of mumbling. 

“Good Good Study, Day Day Up! ______ Chairman Mao.”