
Welcome to SILP Japanese 2013!

Rie Tada (多田利恵):TA

初めまして。MIISでMATFL (Teaching Foreign Language) 日本語専攻の多田利恵です。秋から2年生です。SILPでは、チューターとして、放課後にみなさんとセッションをします。それから、授業の手伝いもしま す。アクティビティにも参加したいと思っています。8週間、大変ですが、愛子さんが楽しいイベントをたくさん計画しているので、みんなで楽しみながらがん ばりましょう!

Hi everyone. I just finished my first year in my MATFL Japanese program here at MIIS. I will be seeing you during our tutor sessions after classes, and also maybe during some of the classes. I plan to participate in the actvities as well. 8 weeks maybe long, but we are planning lots of fun activities, so hope we enjoy whatever we can, and make the most out of this great summer!


Aiko Nakamura(中村愛子): Activity Guide


Hello! I will be a second year student next FALL. I study MA TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). I will be your activity guide for the next 8 weeks. It is my pleasure to meet you all. I will make my best effort to plan activities that all of you can enjoy and have a fulfilling time.