Author: Christine Young

Maybe ‘sustainable development’ doesn’t have to be an oxymoron…

I’m slowly writing my Masters thesis on the Canadian contribution to the ineffectiveness of community consultation with indigenous communities, prior to the implementation of mining projects in Honduras. As such, reading about Honduras has taken up much of my free time over the past several months. Sorting through free trade agreements, international conventions, journals, and […]

‘De los Buenos, Somos Más’

I had a conversation (maybe more accurately, a bombardment of questions about Honduras) with a member of COCEPRADII (Comité Central Pro Agua y Desarrollo Integral de Intibucá), Carlos, a few nights ago. During which, he told me something that I have seen many examples of recently. While in the midst of asking him his thoughts […]

Good news, for a change

On May 25 I arrived in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Freshly departed from an intense year of classwork for my master’s in international law and the settlement of disputes, my perspective on the state of the world was, in all honesty, quickly slipping from pragmatic to cynical. I was not expecting that arriving to research conflict in […]

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