Author: Cynthia Yeh

TICKETS!! Reserve your seats Please

We’re using eventbrite tickets to get an accurate count of how many seats we can fill. Who: MIIS students, Monterey Community, Interested Students and academia are invited Price: Free to MIIS students $11.54 for non-MIIS students Where: Irvine Auditorium, McCone Building (499 Pierce Street, Monterey, CA 93940) Reserve your seat now before we run out:

Ambassador Marco Ruiz, Thursday 2/7th

The Trade Club invites you to: An Afternoon with Ambassador Marco Ruiz, Discussing Latin America-China economic relations Where: Irvine Auditiorium When: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH 12:30PM-1:30PM Followed by light reception downstairs McCone Born in Costa Rica, Ambassador Ruiz holds an Industrial Engineer Degree from the University of Costa Rica and a Masters Degree in Business Administration […]

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