Author: Tom Woodward

DD 5.5: Putting Envirotech into Practice

It’s easy to use the web without thinking about it much. Modern processors, increasingly accessible broadband, faster cellular options, and better batteries all work together to make consuming vast amounts of data as seamless as possible. That data con…

Test for Digital Detox 2022

Body text goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pharetra posuere egestas. Sed accumsan gravida lectus, sollicitudin auctor lectus hendrerit in. Nunc ante est, rhoncus vitae tellus eu, gravida varius lorem. Fusce euism…

Whiteboard Choices in a Hyflex Classroom

Trying to find a good way to use whiteboards in a hyflex classroom is a common concern. There are a variety of ways to address this depending on the specific problem you’re trying to solve. Below you’ll find some common scenarios with advice on how to …

Accessibility in WordPress

Webpage Accessibility Checklist Using this list should result in highly accessible (though not necessarily perfect) site. If you are unsure of what a heading is referring to, please refer to the associated links for more information. Theme Selection Us…

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