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Merci aux étudiants pour un leçon encore réussi! We had a great time listening to and deciphering the lyrics of “Les Cornichons” by Nino Ferrer. You can listen too, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj8inmOKSUg&feature=related.

If you missed the class on Friday, take a look at the lyrics and see if you can figure out all the food words by clicking here. OR you can come to class on Tuesday (1-2 in B107) where we’ll be working with the song again!

Don’t forget to look up more food words at home (using wordreference.com) and write a comment on this post telling us your favorite food!

4 Responses to “French 1: Les cornichons!”

  1. Becky Bierman says:

    Moi, j’aime les pâtes et les cornichons (bien sûr!)

  2. Sabira says:

    Moi, j’aime les épinards, les pommes et un poisson.

  3. Robin Chen says:

    J’aime la cuisine chinoise!

  4. Ben says:

    Et j’aime à manger du bœuf bourguignon. Et je tiens à le cuisiner aussi!

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