Bribing Congress with penguin cupcakes & the end of my fellowship

Made the nations Capitol my office earlier last month! I attended the congressional briefing about the poles (Arctic and Antarctic) led by Senator Whitehouse, Kathryn Sullivan, Senator Nelson, Dr. Brendan Kelly, and a few other inspirational individuals.

IMG_6734 (2)Senator Whitehouse gave an incredible speech about the importance of scientists to strike down the pseudo science that has attempted to brain wash society since the tobacco industry began using “science” for their benefit. “Science had an evil twin, parallel science–phony baloney science. We as a society need to call them out. As scientists, there is a force working against you, be11427402_10154129195660752_6423257790873533609_o aware of it. No matter your trophic level, oceans are changing before our eyes worldwide. Oceans bear true witness to climate change impacts.”
Until we are able to remove these “scientist” from power, we will not be able to battle climate change. We will not be able to help the indigenous communities that rely on the fish and land. the children suffering massive health impacts from climate change, or the climate refuges. What we will have is massive wars over resources and the underdeveloped and poor world will suffer the hardest. We have a responsibility to act now and fix the damage the developed world has done.




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My summer fellowship comes to an end this week! I cannot believe how quickly 12 weeks has flown by. I just presented my last report to the NOAA International Office which will used in the Arctic council later this month to assist in safe and environmentally sound navigation in the region. This document identifies services provided by Arctic states at no cost to mariners to assist in safe and environmentally sound navigation. It’s very rewarding to know that this specific report could not only help mariners navigate safely, but also help keep the surrounding environment and ecosystems safe. It’s be a great summer with NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries- Marine Protected Areas Center where I have been given incredible opportunities such as attending several high level meetings, preparing meetings and documents for several Arctic Council working groups (such as PAME and CAFF), assisting my boss with writing papers on the Arctic, meeting and hanging out with my favorite human Sylvia Earle, attending “environmental justice and tribal consultation training”, and so much more. I’m excited to share that I’ll be continuing to work at NOAA’s Marine Protected Areas Center in Monterey during the fall as my second job (don’t worry CBE/NOEP, you cant get rid of me quite yet!) and I have also been invited to attend the Arctic MPA Workingroup meeting in Alaska in November. See you soon California!

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