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The Role of Media in Insurgencies and Conflict Resolution

Orion Lewis

Orion Lewis, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science at Middlebury

The Center for Conflict Studies will be co-sponsoring a lecture, along with the M2 Lecture Series, by Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science at Middlebury, Orion Lewis. The lecture, entitled “The Coverage of Conflict: The Role of Media in Insurgencies and Conflict Resolution,” will discuss the role international media coverage plays in conflict resolution and foreign policy decisions. Using data from all major insurgencies between 1946 and 2006, Lewis finds that more international media coverage generally means a higher likelihood of third party intervention and a shorter conflict. He will discuss these findings and their implications.

The lecture will take place on Feb. 7 at 2pm in MG 102. For more information and an abstract of the presentation, click here.