
International & Regional Partnership Organizations

International & Regional Partnership Organizations (Golden, 2013)

As the fifth largest country by population, globalization has made regional and international partnerships crucial for Indonesia’s continued development. Indonesia has been a member of the World Bank since 1967 (The World Bank, 2013) and a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) since 1995 (World Trade Organization, 2012). It has also been a member of the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) since 1950 and is currently working to realize the goals of UNESCO’s Education for All (EFA) initiatives (UNESCO, 2013).

Perhaps even more importantly, Indonesia is very involved in partnerships on the regional level. It is a founding member of both the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). Through these partnerships, Indonesia works not only to improve its own education system, but improve education quality and accessibility throughout the southeast Asian region.

Another crucial regional partner for Indonesia has been Australia. Through the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), the Australian and Indonesian governments have been working together to improve quality and access to education, especially in Indonesia’s rural regions (Australian Government, 2013). In addition to funding the construction of schools in rural communities, AusAID has been working with education administrators to train them in budget management.



President Obama and President Yudhoyono (AP, 2009)

With these partnerships and initiatives, Indonesia has been focusing on producing a globally competent workforce, which begins with education. In addition to those already mentioned, Indonesia also has been working closely with the United States to improve educational exchange opportunities between the two countries (U.S. Department of State, 2011). This has been both through direct diplomacy between the US and Indonesian governments, and in partnership with organizations like the Institute of International Education (IIE). US-Indonesia education exchange programs, scholarships, and initiatives are facilitated in Indonesia by the Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF) (Institute of International Education, 2013).

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