Thursday, December 1st, 2011...10:08 am

New policy on children, guests and pets in classes

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The following is a new policy regarding children, guests, and pets in the classrooms that has now been added to the Institute’s Policies and Procedures Manual:

Children:  Children are not permitted to attend or be present during MIIS classes unless they have the prior consent of the responsible faculty member.  Only in the event of an emergency and/or non-routine situation may an individual seek an exception to this policy.
Other guests:  Monterey Institute faculty members have the authority to decide if guests may be allowed in the classroom.

When making such a determination, the faculty member will consider issues of safety, the impact on other students, and may consider the appropriateness of course content in making such decisions. If not already prohibited in the course syllabus, the request for an exception must be made to the responsible faculty member prior to bringing any guest into the classroom.

In the event permission is granted by the faculty member to bring a guest to a classroom, it is the responsibility of the guest’s sponsor/host to make sure the guests do not disrupt the educational environment of the class. If the guests do cause a disruption, the faculty member shall request or insist that the guest(s) leave or be removed from the classroom.

Pets are not allowed on campus, except when accompanying regular class participants for medical reasons.

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