Monday, September 17th, 2012...11:06 am

Executive Education Professor Robertson Publishes “A Performative-Extended Mind and a Law of Optimal Emergence”

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Dr. Peter Robertson has recently been asked to publish his article that serves as his theoretical base for his Executive Education workshop titled “Maintaining Values throughout Organizational Growth.” His article, which you may download here, will also be published in the proceedings of the 56th Global ISSS Conference.

Drawing on 30 years of research and consulting experience, Dr. Peter Robertson facilitates a day of practical breakthrough concepts, addressing the stinging question, “Why do the 3 C’s (corrosion, corruption, criminality) of organizational leadership sometimes become so prevalent and why do good, talented people so often become destructive leaders?”

This workshop focuses on his latest insights and he expects that everyone leaving this workshop will experience at least one fundamental change in the way she or he views the world.

To learn more Dr. Robertson and his workshops, please visit the Executive Education page.

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