Seo-Young Jun, TLM ’18

Intern, Liberty in North Korea (LiNK)

Summer 2017

This summer I interned at LiNK in Long Beach, CA. My experience at LiNK gave me two major lessons: 1) be open-minded and work hard in the circumstances thrown at you—you never know how you’ll find something new to be grateful for; 2) it is possible to work with like-minded and passionate people who truly care about their work, so it’s okay to dream about that ideal work environment—it’s definitely out there. Suffice it to say, LiNK has definitely spoiled me with its great people and great work. But boy, I would have missed out on so much if I did not take on this internship.

2017 Summer LiNK Intern class (Seo-Young Jun, pictured front, third from left)

Now my goal is to remain an active member of the LiNK family. I intend to create a LiNK chapter at MIIS, otherwise known as LiNK rescue team, in order to spread awareness of the North Korean human rights violation from a personal level and to raise funds for LiNK rescues: rescuing and helping one North Korean refugee resettle successfully costs $3,000 as they travel a journey of 3,000 miles from China to Southeast Asia, and 100% of a rescue team’s donations fund rescues. While the current times are especially sensitive towards the topic of North Korea itself, I hope to bring attention towards the people of North Korea over politics, and put a spotlight on the fact that there are people—just like us—with incredible potential and strength to make positive changes within North Korea.

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