Announcing the 2011-2012 MBA Student Association Board

We are here to serve you! Contact us with questions at any time.

President Alex Becker
Vice President Seungho Lee
Alumni Relations Chair Amanda Plump
Design Chair Celena Aponte
Education Chair Ben Grier


Attention incoming students! During the first month of school, two class representatives will be elected to join the board this year—one for exchange students and one for full-time students. Come to our first meeting on September 8th at 4pm in CF438A to learn more.

Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to the official blog of the Fisher International MBA Student Association at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. The MBA Student Association is working hard to offer you a selection of great events sure to meet your academic, social, and networking expectations this year.

Contact us with questions or request to be added to our email list at

We look forward to serving you this year.