Web Strategy Meeting 06.30.11

Google Analytics Training

How does Monday July 11th work for everyone? We would have this training instead of our regularly scheduled web strategy meeting.

Friendly Reminders

  • Empty your Recycle bin after you delete web content.
  • When you name the URL of new pages, always separate words with dashes and use lowercase letters. Also, please don’t use abbreviations like “npts” and “tfl” in URL names. (Ex. http://www.miis.edu/academics/short/executive-education)
  • There are a few Office & Services pages that don’t have much info or photos: (Ex. International Policy & Management). We should probably look into updating them this summer.

Web News

  • Google gets more and more social with their +1 button. If someone +1’s web content, it’s more likely to show up in your social search.
  • There a few new stories in the dropup menus on the MIIS homepage.
  • Get ready for the MIIS micro-philanthropy platform this fall by reading about MiddStart’s early success.

Email Templates

How does what we know about web writing and strategy inform our email templates? Remember the key tenets of web writing…

The Golden Rule: When you send a marketing email, make sure you have a specific goal in mind – like getting new application leads – so that you can track the success of your campaign.



Introducing MIIS Radio

Short Presentation by Ryann Hoffman

Sites DOT MIISThe Middlebury Institute site network.