Posts Tagged healthy and strong

Trying to keep fit and healthy

Since I started Law School I knew I wanted to dedicate my career to travel and work in developing countries. Apart from your professional or academic skills, I believe keeping your mind and body strong is a key fact to perform a successful mission. This thought came to my mind again when I got sick because of the altitude and had to go to the hospital. I felt pretty weak for some days, but then, decided to put an end to it. 2014-07-06 13.17.05

That’s why I dediced to start doing some exercise in the mornings. These last weeks I have joined Amy and Jessica in our morning walk + healthy breakfast around Viveros de Coyoacan, one of the lungs of the city.

It is amazing how your body and mind get full of energy after a walk through the park. You can see people who are totally strangers getting together to form a group and do different kind of exercises. Childs, youngsters, elderly people … Everyone gets their piece of nature here. In fact, if you go on the weekend you will almost have to queue for a walk as it is crowded.

2014-07-06 13.17.15Viveros is a great opportunity to escape from the smokes and extreme pollution of the city. I really feel I can breathe fresh and clean air when I get there. Also, it is a good place to keep your mind in peace. I mean, sometimes we have to deal with uncomfortable security situations, watch real poverty just next to the richest ones, feel how women are not properly respected in some cases and, of course, be aware of corruption issues in the country. It is important to stop and take a breath once in a while.

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