Portfolio: Social Localization & Crowdsourcing Translation


In the Social Localization & Crowdsourcing Translation course, we learned the basic concept and process of Crowdsourcing Translation, Community Translation, and Social Localization.

Here is a summary of what we have covered:

  • Motivation in Crowdsourcing Translation
  • Quality Control in Crowdsourcing Translation
  • Community Translation Technologies
  • Terminology Management and Crowdsourcing Translation
  • Machine Translation in Crowdsourcing Translation
  • Marketing to Recruit & Maintain Momentum

Professional Presentations


Having motivated volunteers is the key to success of a community translation project, with an increase in the loyalty of the brand and a higher level of translation output. It is recommended for organizations to recognize these motivations and implement several measures to keep recruiting, motivating and retaining the volunteers. Please refer to this article to see some measures that could be useful.


One of the myths about community translation is that this crowd-based translation effort equals low quality, but the quality of translation is not simply a black or white matter. There are many levels of quality of translation work such as accuracy, readability and so forth. Please refer to this article to see some quality control measures could be adopted according to the suitable quality level of the community translation project.

Final Project

At the end of the course, I teamed up with another student to apply what we learned to a simulated Community Translation project. We wrote a proposal for a community translation project of Bulletproof™, a website for promoting ketogenic diet to people who want to lose weight and keep healthy.