2006 Fellow Spotlight: Christopher Geier

Name: Christopher Geier
Home Institution: Middlebury College
Major: International Studies with Middle Eastern Studies focus

“Working for the Center for Nonproliferation Studies this summer has been a welcome and helpful opportunity. The work is important, contemporary and challenging. The center and all of its employees have provided a supportive environment that encourages hard work and education. In particular, my supervisor, Sammy Salama, has been very helpful in guiding me to make the most of my experience here at CNS. Under his supervision, I am responsible for two main tasks: for the majority of my working hours I am responsible for monitoring the Arabic press in order to find any mention or discussion of emerging WMD topics. To occupy the rest of my time, I am researching and writing a paper on the ineffectiveness of WMD as a credible deterrent to conflict in the Middle East.

I cannot think of a more useful and informative way to spend my summer. Through my monitoring of the Arabic press, I am not only helping to further my office’s research aims, but am also improving my Arabic reading comprehension.”