Composting at Home


Inexpensive, easy-to-build and stable, holding units are a great place to start your composting system.


Though relatively expensive to build or buy, turning units are attractive, fast-acting and long-lasting.


The heap composting process is similar to holding or turning units, but heaps require no structure. The heap should measure about 3 feet wide and 3 feet high; its length will vary depending upon the amount of materials used.


Worms are fast workers on kitchen scraps. If you’re squeamish, this option isn’t for you! Worm composting is suitable for composting fruit and vegetable scraps. The worms eat kitchen scraps, turning the material into valuable organic matter.


Dig a proper hole and wait. It’s as simple as that. Soil incorporation is the simplest method for composting non-fatty food waste. With time, waste will break down as fertilizer. Incorporate outside the drip line of trees or shrubs, or buried in areas not used for plant growth. Waste must be buried at least 8 inches deep to discourage animals from digging up the waste. Chopped food waste should be mixed into the soil before being buried. When digging near trees or shrubs, take care not to damage roots. Incorporation of meat, bones or other fatty foods is not recommended.

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