The Immersive Education Tool Suite

April 18, 2012

Jenny and Katie brainstorming

This semester Jenny Agis, Katie Holmberg, and I teamed up for a project in our class, Designing Tools For Social Change Organizations. For one whole weekend and 3 hours almost every Wednesday evening our class has explored the role of tools in many different fields. The first few classes I’m pretty sure we were all a little bit confused about the definition of a tool itself. Every time I tried to explain the class to someone I became a little more confused. But I think I get it now. Essentially what we refer to as “tools” are devices used to perform or facilitate tasks that are routinely carried out by social change organizations. These include a range of tasks. The tool can be in the form of a survey, a matrix, a grid, and etc. and is based in theory and provides a methodology for approaching certain situations.

So what does this all have to do with Team Peru and AASD? Looking back on our experience with Team Peru, the three of us recognized an opportunity to design a tool that helps AASD advance its immersive education model.  Our Immersive Education Tool Suite includes different tools for AASD and Team Peru students to use at various points during their work.  Different tools are designed to address three main stages: 1) ensuring proper preparation prior to departure 2)  facilitating moments of reflection for students about their professional growth while in Peru, and 3) creating a smooth transition for students returning to MIIS following their work in Peru.  We’re excited about our project. If all goes as planned we hope this tool will foster a mutually beneficial experience for AASD and MIIS students. Above all, we want to support Team Peru participants in their professional development. The whole process has been a really neat way to reflect personally on my experience with Team Peru. I’m excited to make the experience even better for those who come next.

Today is the first presentation of our work. Wish us luck!


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Our mission is to provide and implement sustainable programs and projects in collaboration with the indigenous people of the Sacred Valley of Perú in an effort to improve their lives and reduce poverty in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner. Furthermore, we work to support local NGOs with whom we have shared values using the skills and tools we possess.
