At the Intersection of Profit and Purpose – Tales from Mumbai, India

Ravi Kurani

2:30-3:30pm PST. To watch this presentation live please click here.

The Frontier Market Scouts (FMS) program allows Masters Students from institutions to accelerate a new breed of business. As these masters students work around the world, one story, from a Scout in Mumbai, India will be used as an example of how profits and purpose can alleviate poverty. Continue reading

Tanzanian Social Business Investment

Rachael Sanborn

9:00 – 10:00 am PST.  To watch this presentation live please click here.

After 4 months in an internship for a social investment start-up company, Ms. Sanborn has become intimately acquainted with the perils and opportunities of East Africa’s Investment Climate. Rife with widespread corruption, abysmal employee performance Continue reading