Faculty Presenting at ISSS/ISAC Annual Meeting

Professors Jeff Knopf and Sharad Joshi of the MANPTS program are presenting papers at the ISSS/ISAC annual meeting in Washington, DC, Oct. 4-6, 2013. This event is a joint meeting of the International Security Studies Section of the International Studies Association and the International Security and Arms Control section of the American Political Science Association.

First TSC Meeting Recap

Hello Everyone!


I received several emails earlier this week asking about Monday’s Terrorism Studies Club meeting, I apologize for the delay, but here is a quick recap of what was discussed.


MonTREP will be looking to hire students to fill position vacancies and head up projects. These include:
– Graduate Research Assistant position for General Howard (Helen graduates in December)
– Media Manager position (I graduate in December) and a new TSC president
– 2-3 Graduate Research Assistants for art/antiquities trafficking project
– 2-3 Graduate Research Assistants for MonTREP database project
– Both Dr. Bale and Dr. Joshi may be hiring Graduate Research Assistants
– MonTREP will be accepting 4-6 independent research proposals
– TA for the CT Africa course in the spring
– Curriculum Developer and TA for SpecOps/CT workshop in the spring


MonTREP will be holding a Terrorism / Counterterrorism in Africa Conference in the spring which may be a joint effort with the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.


The TSC will need help from volunteers at future meetings as we will be providing food and beverages. Basically we just need people that are willing to help pick up the food, drinks, etc and stay after to help tidy up. Please email me (ccherry@miis.edu) if you are interested in this super low time commitment which may aid in the selection of our club’s next president and our next treasurer.


Anyway, that is the gist of things. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to shoot me an email. If you are interested in one of the above employment opportunities or would like to help out with the conference, please email Jayci at jbrower@miis.edu and Cc montrep@miis.eduMake sure that you include: your resume (tip: 1 page), a cover letter, and a short writing sample (2 pages is sufficient) when you contact Jayci. I hope everyone enjoyed their first week of classes. Have a great weekend!

UPDATE: First Terrorism Studies Club Meeting

Hello everyone!


Quick update: the first MonTREP/Terrorism Studies Club meeting will be held at 1200 on Monday, August 26 in B206. As a reminder, all continuing MonTREP employees and those whom are interested in working for MonTREP this year are required to attend this meeting. It has been brought to my attention that some people have class during this time, please email me so that I can fill you in on what was discussed in the meeting.
Additionally, continuing MonTREP employees and TSC members need to send me a quick response (ccherry@miis.edu) so that we know you have received the updated meeting information. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and I will see you Monday!


First Terrorism Studies Club Meeting

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a restful, yet productive summer. On behalf of the Monterey Terrorism Research & Education Program (MonTREP) and the Terrorism Studies Club (TSC), I would like to welcome all incoming MANPTS students, as well as welcome back all of the returning MANPTS students. I have a couple of quick announcements for prospective/continuing employees of MonTREP and those that are involved in the TSC or would like to join:

  • The first Terrorism Studies Club meeting will be held at 1200 on Monday, August 26 in Morse B206.
  • All continuing and prospective MonTREP employees are required to attend this meeting as General Howard will be making important announcements.
  • If you are interested in joining the Terrorism Studies Club or attending future MonTREP events, please send me a quick email (ccherry@miis.edu) so that I can add you to my mailing list. Current members of the TSC and employees of MonTREP are asked to respond as well.

Again, I hope everyone had a great summer, and I look forward to seeing you on Monday!

LA Times Article Quotes MonTREP Director

In an article published this morning by the Los Angeles Times, MonTREP’s director, Gen. (RET) Russell Howard gave insight into the recent threat escalation following intercepted communication between al-Qa’ida’s leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and AQAP’s de facto leader, Nasser Wuhayshi. Read the article here.