First weekly activity: 看电影和自助晚餐 Movie Night and Buffet



The first weekly activity is Movie Night and Buffet!

We will watch a movie named “American dreams in China”. It tells the story that in 1980s, 3 passionate young men met in Beijing University and started their 30-year-long friendship and dreams. After graduation, Cheng and Wang built a English language school and later on Meng joined. The English language school in China called “New Dream” went successfully. This school helps the dreams of Chinese teenagers come true. Before they stood proudly in the American stock market, many stories happened with them and tested their friendship.

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Welcome! 欢迎!

欢迎来到 2015 SILP 中文项目!这是我们的2015 SILP 中文项目的博客。在这里,你可以看到关于你的老师的信息和每周的活动更新。除了这些,还会有一些能够帮助你们学习中文的相关链接。欢迎你们常常登陆博客来获取最新消息!也希望你们能享受在蒙特雷的这个夏天!

Welcome to SILP Chinese 2015! This is the blog of SILP 2015. You can get the information of your teachers and updates of weekly activities. What’s more, there are also some useful likes that could help you to study Chinese. You are welcomed to go on this blog as often as you can and obtain the latest news. And wish you all could enjoy this summer in Monterey.
