Kaori Ambo

Degree and Track:

Masters in International Policy Studies (Conflict Resolution)
Semester and Year of Graduation:
May, 2012

Internship period in CCS:

Fall 2012 to Spring 2013
Project(s) involved in through CCS:
Conflict Resolution Skills Training for North Monterey County Middle School in Fall 2012
Currently working with:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Job Title:
Current Location:
Tokyo, Japan
Work Highlights:
Currently working at International Safety and Security Cooperation Division in Foreign Bureau, which focuses on organized crimes and terrorism. Mainly working on issues such as trafficking in persons, money laundering, and drugs. My role is to negotiate with relevant ministries and agencies in order to enact the necessary domestic legislations/international treaties and to promote victim assistance.
CCS and your career:
I was involved in the training program for middle school students, teaching conflict resolution skills such as communication, listening, and empathy. Since it was very hard for me to keep children’s attention, I learned the importance of putting myself into children’s shoes and try to align with our activities/objectives and children’s interest. This skill is helpful when discussing with other ministries and to provide winning proposals.
Personal Highlights:
Fieldwork in Cambodia and Nepal. Research on trauma and peacebuilding.
Causes most passionate about:
Trafficking in persons