Author: Kimberly Aiken

AWI Final Reflections

My CBE Fellowship with the Alfred Wegener-Institut German Arctic Office is coming to an end. My daily routine of bike riding, taking the 92 Tram to/from Kirschalle/Postdam Hauptbahnhof to the AWI on the Telegrafenberg and eating lunch with Dr. Rachold, Lisa and Gerlis everyday in Cafe Freundlich has come to an end. I spent time […]

AWI Fact sheet continued…

I am in the second half of my fellowship with the AWI and the literature review continues, but the fact sheet is coming together very well. Dr. Rachold and I converse biweekly regarding progress, content, formatting, and imagery of the fact sheet. All of the AWI fact sheets include a cover photo to represent Arctic […]

Willkommen am Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) Deutsches Arktisbüro. Translation: Welcome to the Alfred Wegener-Institut for Polar and Marine Research German Arctic Office.

Aside from the four million people that live in the high North (Arctic), I’m one of few from the lower latitude who wants to be 66°32’21”N of the equator. 🤷🏾‍♀️🥶 Geographically, that’s roughly the coordinates for where the Arctic Circle begins and the point of origin of my passion for all things Arctic. I’m not […]

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