At Least they are Talking About It

Well, what is the most divisive issue in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? Checkpoints? The wall? Security? Terrorism? It all adds up to one thing – the Israeli Defense Force.  It is the IDF that controls the checkpoints, patrols the walls, probes for terrorists and does all these things for the security of Israel.

I had the opportunity to experience just how divisive the IDF is.  My first official facilitation was not an easy one, that’s for certain, as four eleventh graders nearing the end of their Kids4Peace time came together to discuss the issue as the 2 Jews prepare for their entry in to the Army.

It is clearly not a topic that is often discussed and certainly not one discussed across the boundary of identity.  Kids4Peace is such a young organization, this is the first time they have had youth go through the program to reach this point in their lives, and I felt truly honored to be trusted as the first facilitator of the topic.

As can only be expected, the 2 Jews and the 2 Palestinians were miles apart in their opinions, and it was the fact that they are all friends and have worked together for years that allowed a respectful space for discussion.  Nonetheless, the conversation got heated at times and we can only hope that they went home without being pushed apart further.

The first meeting was only an hour of discussion, but they truly opened up and discussed issues that are very close to their hearts, sharing personal stories of pain and pride alike; stories of their family members’ service and stories of their family members’ being discriminated.  The beginning actually saw some level of agreement when discussing violence in general, but once it was brought to the context of the Conflict, it changed.  Obviously, I don’t feel comfortable telling specifics of what was discussed, but it was a fascinating experience and I look forward to a second meeting at the end of the month where the youth will have the opportunity to elaborate on their feelings and thoughts regarding justifying violence, nationalism, the realities of the IDF and the types of soldiers that the Jewish youth will be among other topics.