Project Management

Raffle- DPP SurveyIn my role as Project Coordinator, I manage several moving parts of the Sprintensive experience, including authoring process documentation, facilitating stakeholder meetings, connecting with our Sprintensive student cohort, and arranging outreach activities to promote our evaluation.

Process Documentation
: I am solely responsible for documenting Sprintensive’s development and process. Such documentation includes tracking team meetings, writing an in-depth literature review of similar programs, and recording all big ideas for immediate and future implementation.

Stakeholder Meetings
: In addition to facilitating team meetings, I have also conducted several key stakeholder interviews to inform our decision-making. The details of these meetings can be found under the page, Developing Sprintensive’s Brand.

Student Cohort: As Coordinator, much of my work consists of helping our student cohort navigate the programmatic aspects of Sprintensive. I manage information flow and connect students to relevant administrators, as well as host fun events to facilitate cohort bonding.

Outreach Activities: To help promote our longitudinal evaluation of Sprintensive, I worked closely with the evaluation team to create a variety of outreach activities. I planned and implemented a pizza party that served over 50 students, developed an email campaign with raffle incentives, and conducted in person campaigning. These activities resulted in a 74% response rate for our survey. 

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