Jane MacDonald, IEM ’18

Panama Program ICADS Fall 2018


This program is an integral part of the students study abroad experience as they have the opportunity to observe, learn, and gain insight of the politics, economy, and culture of Costa Rica’s bordering country (Panama). Almost all of the students had never been to Panama before so it was very interesting to see and hear what they were learning and observing during the program. My personal learning journey with this deliverable/program involved a full report about logistics, transportation, student learning outcomes, improvements for future programs, positive feedback, meals, excursions, and more. It was great to see how a program should be run, in which ways the students opinions are valued, and how to make the most out of a (very) short term program. I suggest to anyone who is planning on leading a student program to investigate or ask fellow staff (or colleagues) about their experiences, what they learned from the journey, and tips about logistics or keeping students engaged. It was great to be a part of this program in Panama because I feel like the students confide in me and they were able to open up honestly and tell me what they really enjoyed and what they thought could use some improvement. I made this video as a marketing and recruiting tool for our ICADS Facebook page and so that the students could share it with their friends and family back home. The following video reflects the students from our organization and their experience in the seven-day journey to Panama.

Watch Jane’s video on her time in Panama.

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