2006 Intern Spotlight: Josh Levinger

Name: Josh Levinger
Home Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Major: Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

“During summer 2006 I worked with Dr. Clay Moltz on space security issues. I compiled chronologies of recent space security developments and updated the space web pages, developing new features on North Korean and South Korean missile development. I also wrote biographies of prominent nuclear physicists for inclusion in a high school textbook. I was given the opportunity to attend a conference at the NASA-Ames Research Center on the prospects for future manned space exploration. I also wrote a briefing paper on the current state of international agreements limiting space debris.

Living in the Monterey area was a great experience; traveling the coast every day was a gorgeous morning commute. Being close to world class recreation in Big Sur, the Ventana Wilderness and Yosemite made sitting in front of a computer all day a welcome trade for active weekends. Weekly outings to the Mucky Duck honed our trivia and karaoke skills. Lectures from specialists provided perspective and information from outside my daily research experience.”