Desktop Publishing

Localizing a 1600 Year-old Comic Strip

Museums usually display Chinese hand scrolls completely unfurled, under shiny glass cases and big signs that scream, “no flash photography!” Crowds mull by in a clockwise rotation, glancing down at the images here and there. It’s the exact opposite of the intimate way scrolls are meant to be viewed. This got me thinking: What if I made a scroll English speakers could actually read?

Localizing Maps

Me and a team of project management learners recently tried our hand at simulating localization project management for a company called Hipcamp, and one of the more fun and creative elements involved adapting maps for different markets.

Top-Down Racing Car Visual Design

Me and a team of students recently localized an English language game into Simplified Chinese and Japanese. I made a mimic of the original English assets in Chinese and created a new, creative design for Japanese.

Sites DOT MIISThe Middlebury Institute site network.