Translation and Localization Management in the MIIS Community

New TLM blog

March 17th, 2011 · 6 Comments · Uncategorized

The purpose of this blog is to provide a space where students from MIIS’s MATLM program can participate in conjunction with the Digital Media Commons to document, highlight, and discuss various aspects of the localization world.

Document – Student projects, internship experiences, etc.

Highlight – TLM alumni

Discuss – Ideas, suggestions for the program, collaboration with DMC, etc.

The most important part is student participation. Leave comments below if you’d like to be involved, or submit a post if you already have a good idea! The more contributions we have, the better!

Start contributing now by filling out this form.

Join the TLM LinkedIn group.

Check out my localization blog if you need some help getting the creative juices flowing.

PS: The title “Lovin’ Localization” is definitely not set in stone 😉


6 Comments so far ↓

  • mlutz

    Don’t leave out PM. Or T!!! I think you have have a lonely “L” wandering around at the moment. That’s kind of how our classes are structured and that’s why I think it is good to have this space so that we can encourage people to give example and participate in opportunities to integrate them on the language basis. It’s much too difficult to hold “Internationalization for Korean” or “Web Localization in Chinese” (where language specific issues would be presented).

    I am (still) in favor of “Integrating T, L, and M” or something along those lines (less catchy, I know).

    • Tyler Smith

      I think that’s a good point! Hard to fit all of that into a short blog title. What do you think about using the su-title space (currently “the future of localization”) to help out with that? Maybe something like…”T, L, & M: The best of three worlds.”

      Ok, so that was a bad example, but hopefully you get the idea. Let’s brainstorm some titles.

      Localizing MIIS: Translation and L10N Management

      Taking MIIS to the World: Integrating Translation, Localization, and Management

      Although, translation and PM could technically be seen as falling under the larger umbrella of localization. Just some thoughts.

  • aamod

    That’s a good point…The most important part is student participation.

  • Martino Prada

    Hey, I really think this is a great idea that could bring TLM students together and help us share all our ideas and findings about the localization industry. I think there is a lot of talent in this program, and that we can learn a lot from each other. The fact that we are passionate about languages, technology and business makes us a unique group of students and professionals. I also have a blog about localization/translation, feel free to check it out and add me your blogroll at

    I know the DMC people have been tried to include TLM in their activities, and I am happy this is finally happening.

  • Alex

    I took a look at your smart localization blog and loved the article about mobile and localization. What are you using for translation? Automated tools or a professional translation company?

    • Tyler Smith

      Hi Alex, the translations on are machine translations, sometimes post edited by a community (I have my doubts about how often that actually happens). I use the GTS Translation plugin for WordPress, which is extremely useful for this type of thing. Check out the link for more details.

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