Whole Foods Vegetarian Tour with Professor Scorse!

Want to make the transition to a planet-base diet that is better for you, your family, the animals, and the environment, but not sure how to start? Then join Professor Scorse and other MIIS students on April 16th at 4PM for a tour of Whole Foods where a range of veggie samples will await you. There […]

Minhua Liu named Co-Editor of the journal “Interpreting”

Chinese T & I Professor Minhua Liu is the new Co-Editor of Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting Beginning with the Spring 2013 issue published in March, Professor Minhua Liu started her tenure as the new Co-Editor of Interpreting, the field’s premier academic journal. Interpreting was established in 1996, and for the […]

French Poetry Contest at MIIS

The third annual French Poetry Contest, co-sponsored by our GSTILE French Program  and the Alliance Française of the Monterey Peninsula, was held in Irvine Auditorium on March 16, 2013. Fifty-two students from the Monterey area’s middle schools, high schools and colleges participated in the two categories: original poems written by the candidates in French, and recitations of […]

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