Tag Archives: MIIS

SEGP Symposium: Development as Fairness

We’ve finished polishing up the first ever Symposium held by the Students for Ethical Governance and Policymaking back on April 17th on the Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) campus. “Development as Fairness” was a discussion surrounding the ethical implications of development work, using the UNDP’s Millennium Development Goals as an example of real world policy.

The panelists who took part in this discussion are:

Professor Jeff Dayton-Johnson: Prof. Dayton-Johnson is a Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Institute. His academic focus has been on economic development and the economies of Latin America.

Professor Tsuneo Akaha: Prof. Akaha is an expert in Japanese foreign and security policy, international relations of the Asia Pacific, international political economy, Asian studies, Asia-Pacific development, East Asia security, globalization, human rights, human security, international migration, international relations theory, Northeast Asia and security issues and US-Asia policy.

MIIS Student  John Gebbia: John is a current BA/MA student at MIIS under the International Policy Studies program and is a co-founder of the Students for Ethical Governance and Policymaking. His academic interests include international organizations and international trade.