What is the SolSource?


Many villagers in rural communities rely on solid fuels like coal, dung, and wood to cook their food. Most of the time this is done indoors, which leads to millions of deaths around the globe every year because of constant smoke inhalation.

The SolSource is a solar cooker. One Earth Designs has been perfecting this product for several years. Previous versions are currently being used all over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is actually the sunniest place in China. The latest model (pictured above) is a very simple and elegant design that’s safe, efficient, and convenient to carry/assemble/use.

Monday was a clear, sunny day in Hong Kong, so the team decided to take the SolSource up to the roof of our building and run a few tests! The SolSource boiled water in just 10 minutes, reaching a maximum temperature of 98-99 degrees Celsius. Since it was close to lunchtime, we thought it wouldn’t hurt to scramble a few eggs as well.

This was my first time observing the SolSource in action. I could tell that the team was really proud of it’s performance. I’m excited to work alongside and learn from such a passionate group of professionals. With the SolSource and other projects, I’m confident that One Earth Designs is going to impact so many lives in the Himalayan region and beyond.


A New Hope

Hello friends. Thank you for tuning in, this is my first blog post. Over the next few months I will be detailing my experiences abroad while working in the social impact space. I’ve decided to begin with a quote:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”  – Mark Twain

After traveling around China for six weeks, it feels good to finally find my footing in Hong Kong. What an incredible city! With the help of Village Capital, the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and Sanghata Global, I’ve been connected with a company. Tomorrow morning I’ll be starting work at One Earth Designs. I’m very excited to meet the team and contribute to what they’re doing for communities across the Himalayan region. If you get a chance, definitely check out their website…


I plan on making a post at least once a week. Please feel free to share any questions or comments that you may have.

A special note: September 11th is coming to a close for me in the China time zone, so I want to say that today my thoughts were with those who tragically suffered eleven years ago from evil terrorist attacks against the United States of America, and more broadly the freedoms that many people enjoy around the world. Some wounds have begun to heal, but our nation will never forget what happened that day.