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This week in class we reviewed numbers. English speakers usually find French numbers to be difficult to remember and say quickly, especially higher numbers. This website is useful to review: http://www.woodwardfrench.com/lesson/numbers-from-1-to-100-in-french/

We talked about how numbers might come up in conversation:

Quelle âge as-tu?

J’ai trente ans. 

Dans quelle année es-tu né?

Je suis né en 1986. (mille neuf cent quatre-vingt-six)

Quelle heure est-il?

Il est 4h45. (quatre heures quarante-cinq)

Good numbers to know are: the year you were born, the current year, and how old you are!

Nous sommes en 2017 (deux mille dix-sept).

There are two ways to say years. Take 1992, for example:

  • mille neuf cent quatre-vingt-douze (one thousand nine hundred ninety-two)
  • dix-neuf cent quatre-vingt-douze (nineteen ninety-two)
Another quick point about numbers: if you want to say first, second, third, etc. you add “ème” at the end of the number (except for 1, it’s the exception!):
  • 1st / 1er : premier/ère
  • 2nd / 2e : deuxième
  • 3rd / 3e : troisième
  • 15 15e : quinzième
  • 100th 100e : centième

One Response to “Intermediate French 3/2/2017”

  1. ve75 says:

    Thanks for sharing


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