Critical Reading Assignment

This assignment is to help you understand the agreement and its provisions.

Reflective reading is an influential tool for learning and increases engagement and participation among students.

Your submission can be in writing, or it can be a video or audio recording.

The assignment has three requirements:

  • Requirement 1: Read the US-ROK Nuclear Agreement. Choose the three most important aspects (concepts, issues, factual information, etc.) of the reading, and describe them, justifying your choices.
  • Requirement 2: Identify two aspects of the agreement that you don’t understand. Briefly discuss why these confusing aspects interfered with your understanding of the reading. Put them in priority order and limit your submission to the two most important ones.
  • Requirement 3: Pose a question to the text’s author (this will not go to the author, but will be discussed in class). The question should go beyond the reading content, reflecting your curiosity about the topic. It should reveal what you think are the implications of the agreement.

The completed assignment should be submitted in electronic form (word, video or audio file) before class on Tuesday, October 29.

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